Author: Vining, Susan

MCB 2021 Khairallah Symposium

MCB presented the 2021 Khairallah Symposium on Tuesday, November 16. This year’s guest speaker was Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo, Professor of Developmental and Molecular Biology and of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and co-director of the Einstein Institute for Aging Studies. Faculty and students filled the lecture hall for the in-person event and were […]

MCB 2021 Departmental Retreat

MCB held a Departmental Retreat on Thursday, August 26th. After welcoming remarks, the 2021 MCB graduate awards were announced. Following a ‘Get to Know the New Students’ event, new faculty member, Assistant Professor, Jelena Erceg presented a talk, “Genome Folding and Regulation in Diploid Multicellular Organisms” A fun trivia session preceded the Lab Poster Sessions. […]

UConn Virus Expert and MCB Professor Carol Teschke Awarded Fulbright Scholarship to Study in the UK

Teschke will spend four months at the University of York studying the geometry and evolution of a type of virus that could help develop antivirals. Story in UConn Today, Amanda Song, CLAS Carolyn Teschke, professor and department head of molecular and cell biology at UConn, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar Award to study virus assembly and evolution at […]