With the help of an underwater submersible, they were able sequence the DNA of coral ecosystems thousands of feet below the surface of the ocean; in the protected Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, 130 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. Click here for the full National Geographic article.
Dr. Gogarten is featured in a newly published book
MCB Welcomed Dr. Raja Jothi, from NIH, at this year’s Khairallah Symposium
Tuesday, October 23rd, Dr. Raja Jothi, Senior Investigator and Chief, Systems Biology Section, NIEHS, NIH presented his talk entitled “Uncovering Unknown Unknowns of Gene Regulation,” made possible by The Dr. Edward A. Khairallah and Dr. Lamia H. Khairallah Fund for Scholarship.
Biohaven Pharmaceutical Company acquires an option to license an anti-metallothionein antibody from Michael Lynes for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
This investment will develop the potential therapeutic applications that Dr. Lynes, his MCB lab group, and collaborators at the University of Gent and Joslin Diabetes Center have been working to elucidate.
A write up on a paper by Beka et al in mBio https://mbio.asm.org/content/9/4/e01328-18
NESS Symposium – Registration Deadline Oct 5
The 15th Annual North Eastern Structure Symposium (NESS), to be held on Saturday October 20, 2018 at UConn Health in Farmington, CT. This year’s theme is Biomolecular Design and Structure Prediction. The abstract submission deadline is October 5th. For more information about the meeting and to register, please visit our website at: https://pesb.uconn.edu/ness-18/
Dr. Sarah Hird was a storyteller at the Story Collider event in Hartford
Sarah McAnulty was interviewed in Nature Careers!
“The squid biologist connecting schools and scientists worldwide!” Click here for full article.
Congratulations to Sarah McAnulty, who was awarded a $20,000 dissertation fellowship from the American Association of University Women!
The Graf lab published a paper in mBio about how tiny amounts of antibiotics inside the leech lead to patients being infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Press coverage about the publication and its implications: STAT, UConn Today, Youtube video and more!