Author: Vining, Susan

“Honk if you Love Squid” MCB’s Sarah McAnulty and her Squidmobile Get Noticed

Assistant Research Professor, Sarah McAnulty, was recently featured in an article, “When you text the Squidmobile, this Fishtown scientist texts back squid words of wisdom” in the Philadelphia Inquirer. When squid biologist Sarah McAnulty decided to cover her Toyota RAV4 with paintings of squid and write the words “WANT A SQUID FACT? Text 9-RUNG-SQUID” on […]

Alder Research Group Receives Multiple Grant Awards

The Alder Lab, Nathan Alder PI, was recently awarded three substantial grants. The first, a grant from the National Institute on Aging, (R01AG065879), “First-in-class Peptide Therapeutics for Mitochondrial Disorders: Molecular Mechanism of Action and Optimization of Design.” This five-year R01 for $2.5M is focused on investigating the molecular basis by which mitochondria-targeted peptide compounds interact […]

David Goldhamer awarded an NIH R01 grant for $2.2M to study Regulation of Satellite Cell Development, Programming and Differentiation by Myogenic Factors

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases has awarded David Goldhamer, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology a $2.2 million, 5-year award to study Satellite cells. Satellite cells are responsible for the marked regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle. Although these stem cells were discovered more than 50 years ago, the molecular mechanisms that […]

Two MCB Researchers Receive UConn Funding for Covid 19 Related Research

James Cole and Rachel O’Neill among five UConn researchers awarded internal funding to support researchers who are using their expertise to find new solutions to address the Covid-10 pandemic The program will award up to $50,000 to recipients. Dr. James Cole received $43,439, Targeting the Endoribonuclease of Coronaviruses, Co-PIs: Mark Peczuh, Chemistry Dr. Rachel O’Neill was […]

Dr. Benson Retires after 40 Years at UConn

David R. Benson, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology, retired on June 1 after more than 40 years at UConn. Dr. Benson’s distinguished career includes service as Head of the Molecular and Cell Biology Department from 2007-2012. During that time, he oversaw the expansion of the department personnel, doubled undergraduate course enrollment, built administrative protocols and brought […]