MCB News

MCB Assistant Research Professor Sarah McAnulty Receives ASCB Honorific Award

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) presented MCB Assistant Research Professor and MCB PhD Alumna, Sara McAnulty with their 2023 Public Service Award. The Public Service award honors national leadership and outstanding public service in support of biomedical research or advocacy of sound research policies. McAnulty is the Executive Director for the non-profit organization, […]

Feng, DeNegre and Coulter Receive Conference Participation Awards

The Graduate School offers a Conference Participation Award (previously known as the Doctoral Student Travel Award) to support a student’s ability to present their research at national or international meetings and conferences, including both in-person and virtual events. Yutian Feng, Katelyn DeNegre and Alyssa Coulter each received an award that will be used for participation […]

2022-2023 MCB Outstanding TA Awards

The MCB department is proud to announce that Danielle Arsenault and Brenden Griffith have been named the 2022-2023 Outstanding MCB TAs in recognition of their outstanding contributions, professional dedication to inspiring student learning and commitment to education. Please join us in congratulating Danielle and Brenden on their notable accomplishments!

David Knecht Retirement

The recent retirement of Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology David Knecht might suggest the end of an era in MCB.  David joined our department in 1987 after undergraduate studies and a major in chemistry at Oberlin College, doctoral work in cell biology at the University of Wisconsin/Madison, and postdoctoral work on the molecular and […]

MCB Student Among Nine UConn Students Named to Fulbright US Student Program

Stephanie Schofield ’23 (CLAS) earned her UConn undergraduate degree in molecular and cell biology with a minor in psychological sciences. She will perform research in Heidelberg, Germany, and work with Magdalena Laugsch of the Heidelberg Institute for Human Genetics. She and Laugsch will study the genetics behind hereditary neurodevelopmental disorders, with a focus on early embryonic […]

GO:MCB New Officers Announced

President: Michael Griffith; Vice President: Josette Nammour; Treasurer: Dan Phillips; Secretary: Heather Jamieson; Outreach Coordinator: Camille Pearce; Diversity Facilitator: Emry Brannan; DEIC Grad Representatives: John Briseno, Sophia Gosselin

2023 Khairallah Symposium

The 2023 Khairallah Symposium will be held on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM, BPB 131 This year’s speaker will be Thales Y. Papagiannakopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, NYU Langone Health “Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Genetic Subtypes of Lung Cancer”   KRAS mutant lung adenocarcinoma is the most lethal type of lung […]