We had 78 registrants from 8 different institutions. There were 7 talks throughout the day, including systems as diverse as insect-microbe interactions, the human microbiome, and the sociobiology of the genome and topics ranging from genomics to physiology to chemistry. The day ended with a well-attended poster session including 25 presenters from throughout the Connecticut […]
Author: Vining, Susan
Congratulations to Dr. Papke who recently received a 3 year, $699,718 grant award from NASA!
NASA: Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology: Epigenetics, DNA uptake, and Phosphorus cycling are intertwined processes in the hypersaline adapted archaeal class Halobacteria.
Scott Chimileski has been invited to present a talk on his work from the Papke Lab at the 21st annual Boston Bacterial Meeting (BBM) at the Harvard University Science Center in June.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2015 graduate and undergraduate student summer fellowships!
MCB Professional Science Master’s Summer Biology Courses
Exciting opportunities offered through the MCB Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program this May term and Summer Session. Hands on training on state-of-the-art instruments through short, intense modular training courses. This summer we will be offering nine modules. In the intermediate and advanced modules, students will be trained on a next generation sequencing instrument, the Illumina […]
Leah Rosin, a graduate student in Barbara Mellone’s lab, has been selected to present a talk on her work at the upcoming Boston Area Mitosis Meeting at the Whiteahed Institute/MIT, Cambridge MA
Congratulations to our May 2015 BS graduates!
We proudly announce that Sally Chamberland has been named the 2014-2015 Outstanding MCB TA in recognition of her outstanding contributions, professional dedication to inspiring student learning and commitment to education.
At a recent Employee Appreciation Breakfast, Michael Lynes and Peter Gogarten were recognized for 25 years of service, and Dana Masse for 30 years of service to the University. Congratulations!
MCB Professional Science Master’s Summer Biology Courses
Exciting opportunities offered through the MCB Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program this May term and Summer Session. Hands on training on state-of-the-art instruments through short, intense modular training courses. This summer we will be offering nine modules. In the intermediate and advanced modules, students will be trained on a next generation sequencing instrument, the Illumina […]