Author: Vining, Susan

Applications available for the Lt. Paul L. Drotch Memorial Scholarship in the Biological Sciences

This Scholarship is open to UConn undergraduates in biology including Biological Sciences, EEB, MCB, PNB and Structural Biology and Biophysics who have demonstrated both outstanding scholarship and substantial financial need for this academic year as determined by the Financial Aid office. Students must have completed a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 semesters […]

Associate Professor Nathan Alder has been awarded a five-year, $1.5 million grant from National Institutes of Health for his project, “Investigation of the Subunit and Lipid Interactions of the Mitochondrial Protein Import Machinery.”

This research will focus on the molecular mechanisms by which the TIM23 complex mediates the transport of nuclear-encoded proteins into mitochondria using a host of biochemical, biophysical, and structural approaches.

Drs. Graf and Gogarten received ~$400,000 grant from the USDA

entitled “Establishment Of Genomic Tools For Investigating Fish Pathogens”. As part of this grant they will sequence the genomes of several important fish pathogens, Yersinia ruckeri and Aeromonas spp, perform metatranscriptomic analyses of Y. ruckeri and Flavobacterium physcrophilium, and develop a cell culture model to assess virulence of different bacterial fish pathogens.