The Cell Stress Society International has initiated two new service awards for CSSI members: a Fellow, and a Senior Fellow. These awards recognize society members who have contributed important discoveries to the field over the course of their careers and who have also made outstanding contributions to the society and to our journal Cell Stress […]
Author: Vining, Susan
Faculty position in Cell and Developmental Biology available in Molecular and Cell Biology.
Click here for a complete position description, details and application instructions.
Kristin Parent, ’07 PhD from Dr. Teschke’s lab, won an AAAS Marion Milligan Mason Award for Women in the Chemical Sciences Award
Marion Milligan Mason was a proud member of AAAS whose will provided for the creation of a Fund to support early-career women in the chemical sciences. In making this bequest she sought to honor her family’s commitment to higher education for women. This award is funded by a bequest from the Marion Milligan Mason Fund. […]
Dr. Rachel O’Neill was a finalist for the Connecticut Science Center’s Award for Achievement in STEM Innovation and Education
This award recognized one individual for outstanding contributions in the fields of science, technology, engineering, math, and STEM education in Connecticut. Ultimately, a group of four finalists with exceptionally strong credentials were selected: Elizabeth Buttner, Science Education Consultant, Connecticut State Department of Education Mark Dixon, Meteorologist, WFSB Rachel O’Neill, Associate Director, Center for Applied Genetics […]
NESS ’15 – Structure and Dynamics of Intrinsically Unfolded Proteins
Registration is open for the 12th Annual North Eastern Structure Symposium (NESS ’15). This year will feature an outstanding lineup of investigators who will present research related to the topic of intrinsically disordered proteins. For more information and to register visit
Dr. Spencer Nyholm gave a talk at a symposium in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Philip Yeagle to Receive 2016 Avanti Award in Lipids
Rockville, MD — The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Philip Yeagle, University of Connecticut, has been named the recipient of the Society’s 2016 Avanti Award in Lipids. Yeagle will be honored at the Society’s 60th Annual Meeting at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California, on Tuesday, March 1, during the […]
Another Successful All Biology Ice Cream Social!
Faculty, staff and students from BCS, EEB, MCB and PNB gathered in the lawn outside Beach Hall to indulge in ice cream and reconnect with colleagues before the summer ends. What a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday afternoon! Thank you to our photographer Shail Kabrawala, a Cell and Developmental Biology PhD student from Dr. […]
Congratulations to Katrina Velle, from the Campellone lab, who was awarded a Wiley Poster Prize for her presentation at the FASEB Summer Research Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis.
Brand-new state-of-the-art BD Fortessa X-20 flow analyzer:
Thanks to generous funding from CLAS, the Flow Cytometry Facility has acquired a brand-new state-of-the-art BD Fortessa X-20 flow analyzer. This instrument, which will replace our nearly 20 year old FACSCalibur, can acquire 18 fluorescence channels and is equipped with355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 640 nm lasers. It also has a […]