MCB is proud to announce that Bryce Santinello has been awarded the Spring 2019 MCB graduate travel award in recognition of his outstanding graduate seminar. This bi-annual award provides support to students for conference attendance to enrich their graduate program study and is offered on a competitive basis to the most highly qualified student.
Author: Vining, Susan
2019 MCB Commencement Reception and Awards
The 2019 UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences undergraduate graduation took place at Gampel Pavilion on Sunday, May 12. Following commencement, the Molecular and Cell Biology Department hosted the annual reception for graduating seniors in biology. Awards were given out to students in the 4 areas of concentration. Dr. Michael Lynes, head of MCB […]
Study Unlocks Secrets of an Elusive Genome Compartment
“Centromeres continue to be widely considered the ‘black hole’ of genomics,” says Barbara Mellone, associate professor of molecular and cell biology at UConn and lead author on the study. View article in UConn Today
MCB’s Sarah McAnulty Featured on NPR
“Why are Squids so Smart? We ask a Squid Nerd”
Congratulations to the following MCB SURF Award Winners!
Congratulations to the following Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) Awards recipients for Summer 2019! These UConn students were selected from an exceptionally strong group of applicants.
MCB Ph.D. candidate Tony Patelunas and Team Champions at the NYUPCC
UConn student team Tony Patelunas, Josh Schreier, Shankar Kumar, and Sneha Jayaraj, participated in New York University’s Policy Case Competition (NYUPCC). The team beat out a field of over 500 students comprising 139 teams from 67 institutions and 6 countries.
David Knecht Receives CLAS Faculty Research Excellence Award
The Molecular and Cell biology is proud to announce that the recipient of the CLAS Faculty Research Excellence Award in the Life and Behavioral Sciences division for this year is Professor David Knecht.
MCB PSM PIE Fellowship Program Workshops Announced
MCB PSM PIE Fellows Program Workshop I Beach Hall 204 May 29-31, 2019 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Introduction to Molecular Biology – Partnership in Innovation & Education (PIE) Fellows learn basic molecular biology skills, including
MCB Professional Science Master’s (PSM) May Term 2019 Courses
Exciting opportunities offered through the MCB Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program May Term 2019.
Thane Papke Wins NASA Grant to Study Gene Transfer in Archaea
Human evolution is based on the premise of “survival of the fittest” where the organisms with the genetically encoded characteristics best suited to their environment survive to pass those genes on to their offspring who keep passing that trait on until all members of the population have it.