Congratulations to Carolyn Teschke, who was awarded the Alice C. Evans award by the American Society of Microbiology!
ASM recognizes contributions toward the full participation and advancement of women in microbiology. This award was established by the ASM’s Committee on the Status of Women in Microbiology, and is given in memory of Alice C. Evans, the first woman to be elected ASM President in 1928.
Suleyman Bozal Returns from Biophysics Summer Research Program at UNC
Suleyman Bozal a junior undergraduate majoring in Structural Biology and Biophysics, spent the past summer in an immersive research based program at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
MCB’s Annual Retreat!
MCB held a boisterous, enjoyable and informative annual departmental retreat at the Branford House on the Avery Point campus to kick off the start of what promises to be an interesting and busy academic year.
Lawrence Hightower was recently recognized with one of the highest forms of award given by the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI)!
Prof. Hightower received the 2017 CSSI Medallion for his discoveries about Heat Shock Proteins, Thermotolerance and the Proteotoxic Stress Response.
J. Peter Gogarten and R. Thane Papke received a grant from the NSF-MCB/BSF program
(UConn portion: $817,279.-) for a collaborative research project with Lilach Hadany and Uri Gophna (Tel Aviv University) to study “Rare Genes and Alleles in Halophilic Archaeal Populations and Communities”.
PSM’s 2017 UConn-TIP Summer Immersion Fellowship Participants
2 PSM students, Ethan Cope and Alex Gojmerac, were 2017 UConn-TIP Summer Immersion Fellowship Participants, allowing them the opportunity to learn about startups and entrepreneurship during a 10-week immersion program.
PSM student, Ethan Cope, in the New Britain Herald!
Morning Tea with Mr. Darwin
Ken Noll will portray Mr. Darwin at the talk “Morning Tea with Mr. Darwin: Stories of the Voyage of the Beagle.”
MCB Undergraduates present at ASM Microbe 2017
Hannah Guilani and Sabrina Yum-Chan, two UConn students from the MCB course “Microbe Hunters-Crowdsourcing Antibiotic Discovery” presented posters at the 4th Annual Small World Initiative (SWI) Symposium. The SWI Symposium was held in conjunction with the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2017 meeting in New Orleans in early June. In addition to presenting their […]