Antonio H. and Marjorie J. Romano Graduate Education Fund Helps Microbiology Students so they can Continue their Research in the Summer.

Marjorie “Jean” Romano ’77 MA wanted to both honor her late husband and support graduate students conducting summer research. Jean-and-Antonio-Romano

So, she decided to set up a bequest that will supplement a scholarship that she and her husband, Antonio, a UConn biology professor and CLAS dean, established several years ago. Her planned gift will support the Antonio H. & Marjorie J. Romano Graduate Education Fund.

Traditional support for graduate students, including teaching assistantships and external grants, usually provides funding only for the school year. The fellowship provides funding for microbiology students so they can continue their research uninterrupted throughout the summer.

“The scholarship helps students concentrate on research through the summer break,” Jean explains. “Previously, many students had to leave and work at Domino’s or someplace else for the summer. It really bothered Tony to see a student who had been right on the edge of doing something really promising lose their scholarship funding and have to take off for the summer.”

Her planned gift will honor Tony’s legacy at UConn.

“I think it’s important to carry Tony’s name and passion on through the university,” Jean says. “I want to leave that for UConn.”