GO:MCB New Officers Announced

May 4, 2023

President: Michael Griffith; Vice President: Josette Nammour; Treasurer: Dan Phillips; Secretary: Heather Jamieson; Outreach Coordinator: Camille Pearce; Diversity Facilitator: Emry Brannan; DEIC Grad Representatives: John Briseno, Sophia Gosselin

Three MCB Students Win Undergraduate Research Symposium Awards

May 3, 2023

Three MCB undergraduates who were selected to give talks at the All Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium last week have been selected by the panel of judges to receive an award. Teresa Tamborra-Walton has received the Outstanding Senior in MCB Award, Rayna Esch has received the Excellence in System Genomics Award, and Taylor Domingue has received the Biology Directors Award. 

They will have the opportunity to receive their awards in person at the All Biology Undergraduate Commencement Reception, which will take place on Sunday, May 7th in the BPB lobby from 3:30-5:00 PM. 

Congratulations to Teresa, Rayna, and Taylor for their fantastic accomplishments! 


Judith A. and David C. Kelly Summer MCB Research Fellowships Announced

May 1, 2023

The MCB department is pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of the Judith A. and David C. Kelly Summer MCB Research Fellowship Awards. They are Sindy Gorka (Leighton Core’s lab), Klea Nito (Charlie Giardina’s lab), and Victoria Yi (Aoife Heaslip’s lab).

The awards support three rising senior MCB majors in their research activities in an MCB Faculty laboratory during the summer of 2023. The three fellowships are funded jointly by
Kellys and MCB, in the amount of $8,000 each, are intended to support students with demonstrated financial need who are MCB majors in good standing, and who have career goals aligned with the major.

Greetings from Department Head Carolyn Teschke

April 19, 2023

Greetings friends and alumni:

Here we are at the start of the 23/24 academic year. We all enjoy the summer because we get a chance to slow down a bit, but it’s always exciting when the undergraduates arrive back on campus. Our new class of graduate students have also arrived and are being welcomed into classes and research labs. This year we have 17 new PhD students, 5 MS students, and 11 Professional MS students. We are excited that they have joined us here in Storrs.

Our teaching mission continues to grow. MCB majors now number around 550 and we contribute to the education of the greater than 1000 Biological Sciences students. Many of our undergraduates participate in research. Many of our undergraduate researchers are awarded SURF funds to support their summer research. Last year Romir Raj '24 was awarded the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship and Stephanie Schofield '23 became a Fulbright US Scholar to study in Heidelberg Germany.  In addition, Ananya Aggarwal '24 and Sindy Gorka '23 were chosen as University Scholars.

In terms of research support, we continue to produce new grant proposals at a good rate, and to date in this academic year these efforts have attracted additional major awards totaling more than $4.7 million and research expenditures of ~$7.1 million for FY23. Faculty are also producing work that is translational, with several MCB research programs being supported by institutions and agencies working to transform our scientific discoveries into products, therapies, and diagnostics.

In this issue, we share the work of Kat Milligan-McClennan to strengthen Native American and Indigenous communities, as well as recent research from the labs of Jelena Erceg, Dan Gage, and Jonathan Klassen. I am so proud of how hard our entire community works to provide excellent educational opportunities for our students and the research each lab produces, which enhances our understanding of our world.

2023 Khairallah Symposium

April 12, 2023



New Department Hires

Michel Giovanni Santiago-Martinez (Geo) joined the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology in August '22 as an assistant professor. MichelGeovanniSantiagoMartinezSantiago-Martinez is a microbiologist from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and The Pennsylvania State University. He is interested in the ecophysiology of archaea and anaerobic bacteria, and how energy status influences their ability to resist environmental stress conditions, such as exposure to oxygen and nutritional starvation. His research goal is to understand the function of anaerobic microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles and host-associated microbiomes. He is also interested in bringing up-to-date knowledge of archaea to the classrooms and outreach activities, as well as promoting more inclusive science through mentoring activities and service initiatives.

Also new to the department this year are


Justin Kratovil
Visiting Assistant Professor


Chris Malinoski
Assistant Professor In-Residence

Ron Ortenberg

Ron Ortenberg
Assistant Professor In-Residence


Celebrating MCB Grad Students!

April 10, 2023

As part of UConn's Grad Student Appreciation week,Ice Cream Thank You MCB Faculty and Staff showed our MCB Graduate students some love with an ice cream social. Students enjoyed some Dairy Bar ice cream and some photo fun!three students


See more photos here!