Andrei Alexandrescu


Molecular and Cell Biology / Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics (SB3)

Education: Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison; Postdoctoral study, Oxford University; Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutes

Research Interests: High-resolution solution NMR of protein structure, folding, dynamics, and association; amyloids; phage/virus and pathogen proteins; unconventional zinc fingers; mitochondria; metabolomics.

Selected Publications:
[Click here to get nearly full publication list.]

Rua AJ, Mitchell W, Claypool SM, Alder NN, Alexandrescu AT, Perturbations in mitochondrial metabolism associated with defective cardiolipin biosynthesis: An in-organello real-time NMR study, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2024)

Rua A.J, & Alexandrescu, A.T,  (2024) “Formerly degenerate seventh zinc-finger domain from transcription factor ZNF711 rehabilitated by experimental NMR structure”Protein Science 33, e5419

Alexandrescu, A.T.; Dregni, A.J. The Temperature Dependence of Hydrogen Bonds Is More Uniform in Stable Proteins: An Analysis of NMR h3JNC′ Couplings in Four Different Protein Structures. Molecules 202429, 2950.

Reed, A.L., Mitchell, W, Alexandrescu, A.T, Alder, N.N.. (2023) “Interactions of amyloidogenic proteins with mitochondrial protein import machinery in aging-related neurodegenerative diseases”,  Front Physiol 14, 1263420

Seo, D., Kammerer, R.A., & Alexandrescu, A.T. (2023) “Solution NMR assignments and structure for the dimeric kinesin neck domain”, Biomol NMR Assign, online ahead of print

Rua, A.J., Whitehead, R. 3rd,  & Alexandrescu, A.T (2023) “NMR structure verifies the eponymous zinc finger domain of transcription factor ZNF750”, J Struct Biol X 8, article 100093.

Alexandrescu, A.T., Dregni, A.J. & Teschke, C.M. (2023) NMR detection and conformational dependence of two, three, and four-bond isotope shifts due to deuteration of backbone amides. J Biomol NMR 77, 93-109 (2023).

Wayne Mitchell, Jeffrey D Tamucci, Emery L Ng, Shaoyi Liu, Alexander V Birk, Hazel H Szeto, Eric R May, Andrei T Alexandrescu, Nathan N Alder (2022) Structure-activity relationships of mitochondria-targeted tetrapeptide pharmacological compounds eLife 11:e75531

Whitehead, R. D. III, Teschke, C.M., & Alexandrescu, A.T (2022) “Pulse-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance of protein translational diffusion from native to non-native states”, Protein Sci, 31, e4321.

Kaplan, A.R., Olson, R. &Alexandrescu, A.T (2021) “Protein yoga: conformational versatility of the hemolysin II C-terminal domain detailed by NMR structures for multiple states”, Protein Sci, 30, 990-1005.

Dedeo, C.L., Teschke, C.M., & Alexandrescu, A.T(2020) “Keeping it together: structures, functions, and applications of viral decoration proteins”, Viruses 12, 1163.

Whitehead, R. D. III, Teschke, C.M., & Alexandrescu, A.T (2019) “NMR mapping of disordered segments for a viral scaffolding protein enclosed in a 23 MDa procapsid”, Biophysical J. 117: 1387-1392. DOI: 1016/j.bpj.2019.08.038

Newcomer, R.L., Schrad, J.R., Gilcrease, E.B., Casjens, S.R., Feig, M., Teschke, C.M., Alexandrescu, A.T, & Parent K.N. (2019) “The phage L capsid decoration protein has a novel OB-fold and an unusual capsid binding strategy”, eLife 8, e45345.

Tripler, T.N., Kaplan, A.R., Alexandrescu, A.T, & Teschke, C.M. (2019) “Conservation and divergence of the I-domain inserted into the ubiquitous HK97 coat protein fold in the P22-like bacteriophages”, Journal of Virology, 93: e0007-19. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00007-19



Contact Information
Mailing Address91 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3125, Storrs, CT 06269-3125
Office LocationBiology/Physics Building 209