GA Stipend Rates

Below are the rates for graduate assistants achieved during the course of their career.

Level 1:  For graduate assistants with at least a baccalaureate degree. GAs who are solely enrolled in a Master’s degree program are always paid at Level 1.

Level 2:  For experience graduate assistants in a doctoral program with at least a master’s degree or its equivalent in the field of graduate student. Equivalency consists of 30 credits of appropriate coursework completed at the University of Connecticut, together with admission to a doctoral program.

If the GA was admitted to the PhD program prior to Summer 2017, they are grandfathered in to the 24 credit master’s equivalency.

Level 3: For students with experience as graduate assistants who have at least a master’s degree or its equivalent and who have passed the doctoral general exam and submitted the required form to the MCB Graduate Coordinator.

More information regarding Graduate Assistantships and stipend levels can be found on the UConn Graduate School website