Applied Genomics – Admission Policies

The program accepts applications throughout the year for starting dates in the fall, spring or summer terms.

Regulations and policies of the Graduate School of the University of Connecticut govern admission to the program.

These regulations require:

  1. An earned baccalaureate degree
  2. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all courses of record. Alternatively, a student may present a grade point average greater than 3.0 for the last two years of undergraduate study coupled with other evidence of competence and accomplishment. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may present an exceptionally strong grade point average for the most recent year's study, along with compelling evidence of potential for success.
  3. A personal statement from the applicant addressing his or her reasons for applying and his or her plans for the future.
  4. Three letters of reference from faculty or others who can address the candidate's potential for success in the graduate program.
  5. If you are not a native speaker of English, you must submit evidence of your proficiency in the English language (TOEFL IBT score).

    Students interested in applying to this program may apply online through the University of Connecticut Graduate School.
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    The M.S. in Applied Genomics is a professional degree; as such students finance their matriculation through personal resources and loans. Students should have no expectations of support through departmental or university research or teaching assistantships.

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