Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form

"*" indicates required fields

You may only submit one (1) course per request. If you have multiple courses that you want to be re-evaluated, you must fill and submit this form multiple times

This form is for UConn students looking for previously evaluated transfer courses to be re-evaluated for MCB or BIOL credit at UConn. Non-degree/visiting students seeking approval of prerequisites in order to enroll in a course at UConn can also fill out this form. If you are looking to have Education Abroad coursework evaluated, do not use this form. Please use the Education Abroad Course Accreditation System.

Student Information

Example 1234567 (Non-degree students can enter their NetID)
Email Address (must be your UConn address unless don't have access to it)*
Student Status*
This Course Credit evaluation request is for*

Evaluation Information

Enter the information about the course you want us to evaluate
Provide the full name of the institution you completed or will complete the course in which you would like evaluated
Course Number and Title*
Catalog Number
Course Name/Title
Semester Taken
Course instruction type*
Was or is this course instructed outside of the United States?*
Has UConn Admissions already evaluated this course?*
In order for your transfer credit to be re-evaluated, you must obtain and upload a Syllabus (from or near the term taken) from the college/university with the following information included: instructor information, textbook/course materials, grading, exam information, and course schedule/outline or all topics covered. If this is for an online course, the syllabus must have information about the exam policy/procedure. If you took the course in high school for college credit, you must use the syllabus from the college/university, not the high school.
Max. file size: 250 MB.
Max. file size: 250 MB.
Max. file size: 250 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.