Barbara Mellone
Molecular and Cell Biology / Genetics and Genomics
Education: Ph.D., Medical Research Council (MRC), Edinburgh, Scotland; Postdoc: Lawrence Berkeley Lab/UC Berkeley
Research Interests: The Mellone Lab studies how genetic information is accurately passed from one cell generation to the next. Our work focuses on centromeres, essential chromosome regions that direct the precise distribution of chromosomes to daughter cells during division. Using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as our model system, we investigate how centromeres are built, maintained, and evolve. Taking advantage of the powerful genetic tools available in flies, we study how DNA sequences and proteins work together to create functional centromeres. By uncovering the fundamental rules of chromosome inheritance in an experimentally tractable organism, our work provides insights into human diseases associated with chromosome segregation errors, such as cancer and birth defects, and informs future biotechnology applications.
Selected Publications:
Chabot, B.J., Sun, R., Amjad, A., S.J. Hoyt, L. Ouyang, C. Courret, R. Drennan, L. Leo, A.M. Larracuente, L. J. Core, R. J. O’Neill, B.G. Mellone. Transcription of a centromere-enriched retroelement and local retention of its RNA are significant features of the CENP-A chromatin landscape. Genome Biol 25, 295 (2024).
Venkata S.P. Patchigolla, Barbara G. Mellone, Enrichment of Non-B-Form DNA at D. melanogaster Centromeres, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 5, May 2022, evac054,
Jason Palladino, Ankita Chavan, Anthony Sposato, Timothy D. Mason, Barbara G. Mellone, Targeted De Novo Centromere Formation in Drosophila Reveals Plasticity and Maintenance Potential of CENP-A Chromatin, Developmental Cell, Volume 52, Issue 3, 10 February 2020, Pages 379-394.e7,
Rosin, L. and Mellone, B.G. (2017) Centromeres Drive a Hard Bargain. Review. Trends in Genetics (in press). doi:10.1016/j.tig.2016.12.001.
Mellone, B.G. Winged Migration. (2017) Review. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 1;27(21):3189-3191.
Palladino, J, Mellone, B.G. (2016) The KAT’s out of the bag: histone acetylation promotes centromere assembly. Developmental Cell (Preview). doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2016.05.019
Chen, CC, Mellone, B.G. (2016) Chromatin assembly: Journey to the CENter of the chromosome. J Cell Biol. (Review). doi: 10.1083/jcb.201605005 .
Rosin, L., Mellone, B. (2016) Co-evolving CENP-A and CAL1 Domains Mediate Centromeric CENP-A Deposition across Drosophila Species. Developmental Cell doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2016.03.021.
Chen C-C., Bowers, S., Lipinszki, Z., Palladino, J., Trusiak, S., Bettini, E., Rosin, L., Przewloka, M.R., Glover, D.M., O’Neill, R. J., Mellone, B.G. (2015) Establishment of Centromeric Chromatin by the CENP-A Assembly Factor CAL1 Requires FACT-Mediated Transcription. Developmental Cell doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2015.05.012.
Chin-Chi Chen, Mekonnen Lemma Dechassa, Emily Bettini, Mary B. Ledoux, Christian Belisario, Patrick Heun, Karolin Luger, and Barbara G. Mellone. 2014. CAL1 is the Drosophila CENP-A assembly factor. J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.201305036, highlighted in JCB
Ross, B.D., Rosin, L., Thomae A.W., Hiatt, M.A., Vermaak, D., de la Cruz A.F., Imhof A., Mellone, B.G., Malik, H.S. Stepwise evolution of essential centromere function in a Drosophila Neogene. Science, 2013 Vol. 340 no. 6137 pp. 1211-1214.
Chin-Chi Chen, Elizabeth Greene, Sarion R. Bowers, Barbara G. Mellone. A Role for the CAL1-Partner Modulo in Centromere Integrity and Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Drosophila. (2012). PLoS ONE 7(9): e45094. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045094
Bateman, JR, Larschan, E., D’Souza, R., Marshall, L.S, Dempsey, K.E., Johnson, J.E., Mellone, B.G. and Kuroda, M.I. Genome-Wide Screen Identifies Genes That Affect Somatic Homolog Pairing in Drosophila. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. doi: 10.1534/g3.112.002840 G3 July 1, 2012 vol. 2 no. 7 731-740
Phansalkar R., Lapierre P. and Mellone B.G. Evolutionary insights into the role of the essential centromere protein CAL1 in Drosophila. Chromosome Research 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10577-012-9299-7
Kuratnik A, Senapati VE, Verma R, Mellone BG, Vella AT, Giardina C. 2012. Acute sensitization of colon cancer cells to inflammatory cytokines by prophase arrest. Biochem Pharmacol. 2012 Jan 25.
Mellone BG, Grive KJ, Shteyn V, Bowers SR, Oderberg I, et al. (2011) Assembly of Drosophila Centromeric Chromatin Proteins during Mitosis. PLoS Genet 7(5): e1002068. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002068
Williamson A*, Wickliffe KE*, Mellone BG, Song L, Karpen GH, Rape M. Identification of a physiological E2 module for the human anaphase-promoting complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Oct 12.
Mellone B.G*., Zhang W*., Karpen G.H. Frodos found: Behold the CENP-A “Ring” bearers. Cell. 173. 2009.
Mellone B.G. Spatial and temporal regulation of centromeric chromatin. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2009 Feb;87(1):255-64.
Erhardt S.*, Mellone B.G.*, Betts C.M.*, Karpen G.H., Straight A.F. Identification of novel regulators of centromeric chromatin by genome-wide RNAi screening. J Cell Biol. 2008 Dec 1;183(5):805-18.
Castillo A.G.*, Mellone B.G.*, Partridge J.F., Richardson W., Hamilton G.L., Allshire R.C., Pidoux A.L. Plasticity of Fission Yeast CENP-A Chromatin Driven by Relative Levels of Histone H3 and H4. PLoS Genet. 2007 Jul 27;3(7):e121.
Zhang W., Mellone B.G., Karpen G.H. A specialized nucleosome has a ‘point’ to make. Cell. 2007 Jun 15;129(6):1047-9.
Mellone B., Erhardt S., Karpen G.H. The ABCs of centromeres. Nature Cell Biology. 2006 May;8(5):427-9.
Pidoux A., Mellone B., Allshire R.C. Analysis of chromatin in Fission Yeast. Methods. 2004 Jul;33(3):252-9.
Mellone B.G., Ball L., Suka N., Grunstein M.R., Partridge J.F., Allshire R.C. Centromere function in fission yeast is governed by the amino terminus of histone H3. Current Biology, Oct 14, 2003; 13(20): 1748-1757.
Mellone B.G. and Allshire R.C. Stretching it: Putting the CEN(P-A) in centromere. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. Vol 13 No 2 April 2003.
* equal contribution | |
Phone | 860-486-9223 |
Fax | 860-486-4331 |
Mailing Address | 91 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3125, Storrs, CT 06269-3125 |
Office Location | Engineering Science Building 206E |
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