MS Degree Requirements

Plan A and B MS Degree
The requirements for the MS degree conform to the requirements of the Graduate School as set forth in the Graduate School Catalog. Master's degrees may be earned under either of two plans as determined by the advisory committee. The first plan emphasizes research, the second requires a comprehensive understanding of a more general character.

Plan A requires 21 content course credits on a Plan A Master's plan of study and a minimum of 9 credits of GRAD 5950, as well as the writing and oral defense of a thesis. 

Plan B requires a minimum of 30 content course credits, a final examination, but no thesis. In either case, advisory committees may require more than the minimum number of credits. Please see 1st semester course requirements flow chart.pdf. Check the Graduate catalog for details on transferring credits, time limits and other information.

For specific Area of Concentration details:

Genetics and Genomics

Cell and Developmental Biology

Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics
