MCB Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Molecular and Cell Biology Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The goals of MCB’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee include advising departmental leadership on ways to promote, support, and increase diversity in MCB. We stand by the MCB mission statement:

“The mission of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology is to provide an educational and research environment that is supportive and welcoming of all individuals across race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and religion. We strongly believe that education is a transformative experience for our students and trainees, and that their advances benefit the communities of our department, UConn, the nation, and world. We endeavor to foster a learning community that is inclusive to all individuals, and to support students in their educational and personal journeys while at UConn and into the future.”

In order to implement these goals, the MCB DEI Committee will meet on a regular basis during the year to discuss ways in which the department can:

  • Foster a supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff from underrepresented communities (see recent announcements).
  • Increase diversity in the department at all levels (from students to faculty).
  • Advise the Department Head and MCB leadership about how to achieve these goals
  • Listen to concerns and advocate for solutions about diversity issues from members of the department.
  • Gather and make available DEI resources from the department and university.
  • Educate the MCB community about DEI issues, including implicit, explicit, and structural biases.

MCB DEI Committee Members

Sarah Hird, Committee Co-Chair
Juliet Lee, Committee Co-Chair
Peter Gogarten
Justin Kratovil
Pallavi Limaye
Michael Lynes

Graduate Students
Mullein Francis


MCB Departmental Norms


Letter to the MCB Community Regarding Diversity and Inclusion

UConn DEI Resources

DEI Incident Reporting

Workplace Navigators

UConn Native American Cultural Programs Video: Indigenous at UConn


MCB Department DEI COMMITTEE presents a special seminar and workshop with B. Chad Starks:

Learn more and register for the free workshop!

Seminar: Be The Messenger of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Within and Beyond the University of Connecticut Community
Tuesday, 4/2/24, 3:30 PM, BPB 131

Workshop: What Can I Do to Make Spaces Just?
Wednesday, 4/3/24, 10 AM - 12 PM, ESB 121

"Why Trans Inclusion Leads to Better Science" with Dr. Anna Marie LaChance Friday, 3/3, 2023, 12:20 pm, BPB 130
Learn more!

View "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Lab", a presentation by Dr. Gustavo Arrizabalaga, PhD, Professor and Assistant Dean for Professional Development and Diversity, Indiana University School of Medicine (10/18/22)

University Forums on Race, Policing and Justice: The Chauvin Trial

"Asians in America: Anti-Asian Violence & the Fight Against Invisibility" A panel discussion held by the Asian American Cultural Center

Special MCB DEI Seminar: "Inclusive Mentoring"
Tuesday, October 11, 2022; 9:30 AM; GN 20

Special MCB DEI Seminar: "Bias in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine (STEMM) and What you Can do to Improve
Equity and Diversity"
Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 11am, GW001 and Virtual

How to be an Anti-Racist STEM Researcher: Strategies for Research and Training
April 7, 3:30 - 4:30

UConn Africana Studies Institute Presents "The Covid-19 Vaccine and Communities of Color"
4/1 , 12:00 - 1:00pm

ASM Inagural mSystems Thinking Series "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Microbiology" 
(UConn MCB's Katt Milligan-Myhre is one of the speakers)

"Picture a Scientist" Documentary Discussion - 12/8 at 3:30 pm

Staff and Faculty of Color Town Hall