Honors Courses in MCB

UConn Undergraduate Course Catalog

MCB 1405 Honors Core: The Genetics Revolution in Contemporary Culture
MCB 2000 Introduction to Biochemistry
MCB 2215 Honors Cell Biology
MCB 2225 Cell Biology Laboratory
MCB 2400 Human Genetics
MCB 2410 Genetics
MCB 2610 Fundamentals of Microbiology
MCB 2612 Microbe Hunters: Crowdsourcing Antibiotic Discovery
MCB 3100 Introduction to Translational Research
MCB 3189 Clinical Research Laboratory
MCB 4211 Basic Immunology
MCB 4996 Introduction to Honors Research
MCB 4997W Honors Research Thesis in Molecular and Cell Biology

**Many other courses in MCB offer Honors Conversion credit. Speak with your instructor to find out whether your MCB course carries such a conversion.